Friday, February 27, 2009

Official! EIMAR 2009

EIMAR 2009 is now officially called EIMARace.
EIMARace 2009 consist of static and dynamic events, similar to Formula SAE.
Static events are Technical inspection and Presentation.
Dynamic events are Brake Test, Acceleration Test, Time Trial and Endurance Race.

all of the details will be briefed to team members on 7th of March 2009. please do come to the college for the Team Establishment Meeting.

So, you might be wondering what is this has to do with me?
1stly, let me tell you, there is no such event in Malaysia before. but outside, it is a culture. Formula SAE have a history of almost 30 years. all mechanical, automotive, and other fields students are gathering together for Formula SAE. it is a platform for them to change ideas, technologies, sharing knowledges and know each other.

For Malaysian students to join that events, it will cost a lot. transportation, luggage, accommodation and others. with such event made locally, almost everybody can participate. so, we can start our own culture of Automotive Sport.

From there, we will be sharing knowledge, skill, and open our self to new technologies and ideas.

If EIMARace is successful, it will be a nice part to be included in our CVs or Resume. we can learn so much that it will give us experience.

There are many other benefits that will come as you grow with EIMARace. it creates opportunity to put your knowledge and skill at test. you can better your self by analyzing your performance at EIMARace.

this is just a few benefits that i want to share here. i m saying this on general. you will never really know how this will benefit ourselves individually as we will have difference experience. you might find yourself, your destiny and your buddies in here. who knows?


  1. nak tanya sikit ... apa beza formula varsity dengan EIMAR?

    aku masih aktif dalam Formula SAE dan Formula Hybrid walaupun dah lama keluar universiti. Kalau ada apa2 yang aku leh tolong, sila email mohd_nazim at hotmail dot com

  2. orite. thx bro. pertolongan ko memang sangat dihargai.
